Friday, November 30, 2007

oi oi oi

ok so i haven't used this blog for a while.. and after three short posts i am using it to plug. . but i think that is ok. at least i haven't sold my blog.

and it takes so long to upload tracks i thought i would help you be proactive.. and support myspace for the goodness it does..

so i will write again from australia maybe.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

for a small town; Oslo aint so bad.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

cut and run

the sun was coming up on a night out in tønsberg the first time i heard this song. we had survived the night fueled by a backpack full of free heineken. we had been hanging with the cream of scandinavia's second rate festival community, had avoided norway's heaviest public drinking fines, and had been mistaken for credible musicians by credible musicians. we had found the most danceworthy music in tønsberg over the seven-o-leven pa only to be kicked out by the establishment's security for heckling the bland patronage and disorderly use of frozen pizzas (just in time to save an obnoxious male norwegian from a flying kick to the head from accomplice W). we had waded through the mass of anebriated nordmen employing accomplice J's theatrical talents to avoid unpleasant interactions with the locals and we were waiting for someone to save us from the petrol stinking squat we were supposed to sleep in. i was happy to be with the 3 accomplises as accomplice M picked songs out of her itunes. for the first time in a while my mind was nowhere else.

mp3: cut and run by electrelane


_______ is a curious, soon to be chronic, insomniac. waiting for sleep he likes to find things that make him smile and show them to his friends.